hear, hear!Venture
Using social pressure to get answers to today's pressing questions.

hearhear.appWhat we did
Business, Concept, Design, Development, Idea-to-Launch, Investment
With hear, hear! the Lab team is building a new product which aims to build social pressure in order to get answers to today's pressing questions.
Popular figures and organizations can be difficult to reach. The aim of hear, hear! is to make asking them questions more effective. We organize a community of people to help get questions answered by building social pressure that no one can hide behind.

Many to one
With products like Reddit, Yolo, and Quora, the power of online Q&A is self-evident. hear, hear! builds on this by creating a many-to-one ecosystem which we believe we can achieve a higher success rate of getting hard-hitting, interesting, and humorous questions answered.

Twitter integration
Users can post questions to hear, hear! and additionally share them on Twitter, mentioning the target of the question. Then any interested hear, hear! user or Twitter follower can see and retweet the question again. With each retweet the target person or organization is mentioned once more, thus building momentum towards the question and generating buzz and pressure for an answer.

hear, hear! pedia
hear, hear!-pedia further builds on popular or important questions by encouraging answering the question on the platform itself. hear, hear! itself thus becoming a platform with a collective set of (expert) questions and answers, driven by community demand. By structuring our data according to categories and popularity, top-level answers can be discovered and engaged with easily.